Language Courses

General English

This program will give you a practical understanding of the English Language both written and spoken. General English is aiming to train you in all four communication skills which are speaking, reading, listening, writing by also focusing on grammar, vocabulary and pronunciation.Details

Business English

In the global environment, it has became common for non-native English speakers to study business English as a tool. In the business world, English should not be underestimated in order to have a successful career on an international level. English not only determines employment opportunities, but it also broadens your choice for places to live.Details

Medical English

This program focuses on specific medical terminology and development in the ability to communicate in English in hospitals or clinical settings.Details

Legal English

This program provides various benefits in an international legal setting. Such as; finding a good job, getting promotion within your company or organization.Details

English for Specific Purposes

It’s designed according to meet individuals with their specific needs. The term “specific” refers to training English for a particular career area. It aims to build up English accordingly under competence individuals’ priority, demands.Details