
Language Courses


In this section, you will find courses that will assist you in improving the way you use language. The courses address the most common difficulties that people face when using the language…..More

Soft Skills


In this section, you will find courses that con-tribute/help/support you to get a foothold and become more effective and productive in the workplace. Furthermore these courses will be beneficial in order to make you feel confident, sufficient of your recent career and future…..More

Marketing Skills


In this section, you will find courses that are designed to introduce you to the essentials of marketing (key concepts, methods of analysis, strategies and tactics), giving a thorough understanding of the principles and practice of marketing and sales…..More


Financial Skills

calculadora ycalculos

This section contains courses that are designed to cover the basics of corporate finance; and to provide the students with an understanding of analysis of financial statements and investment options, budget management and assessment of financial decisions…..More


Management & Leadership Skills




IT and Networking Skills


